Promo Shots

I did some promo shots for All Rolled Up @ Urban Eats. Nothing really else to say besides I really like his food and would recommend.

Doing things only you care about.

I think a lot about what people want to see. I know that my more artsy photos usually with saturated colors get more likes and comments. But lately, Those aren’t the photos I want to take, if you follow Instagram at all you would know that I’ve been taking photos with an old Gameboy camera. I love the lofi look of it and I like the limitations it has. It’s a very primitive digital camera, if you don’t do everything just right you can’t even make out whats in the photo. But I like that, I love that kind of challenge, it makes me feel like a better photographer. Being able to capture something on a camera that well has 0.001434 megapixels is for lack of a better term awesome. It makes me happy and when it comes to art you have to do the things that make you happy. It’s important to appeal to your fanbase, but don’t give up what you love just because no one else likes it. And who knows you might find an audience for it one day. - N.N.

Goals, Patience, and Rough Times

When it comes to achieving your goals I find that patience is your most valuable ally. If you’re in a bad spot in life say you hate your job or you can’t even find one I know how discouraging it can be. Sometimes you feel like giving up and accepting your fate, but you can’t give up. During Covid, I was in a rough spot, good jobs were scarce and the pandemic seemed like it would never end. Now, not even a few years later I found a stable job and it seems like things are finally going back to normal.  And I know that’s not the case for everyone times are still tough with hyperinflation, high gas prices, and random Covid spikes. But I think the only thing we can do is remind ourselves that this is all temporary, at least we have to hope it is. If we keep pushing and fighting for a better future not just for ourselves, but for the rest of the world we just make it. We have to hope that everything is just bad for now. I’m sorry for ending on that nothing of a statement, but it’s the hopeful thing I can say for now. Good Luck everyone. - N.N.


So StlBucketlist took one of my Instagram photos a few days ago and I’m still not sure how I feel about it. On one hand, they at least tag me, but I would have appreciated it if they would have asked me first. That way I could have promoted myself more on their post. Small content creators have to stick together and a part of that is collaboration. - N.N.

Side Projects

It’s always important to remember that side projects are important, but you can never lose sight of your main goal. This may sound obvious, but it’s an easy trap to fall into and it’s something that I’ve definitely done in the past. You start a side project because your main one has stagnated. Then you help a friend with their project, after that you start another main project and completely lose focus on what you were working on in the first place. This is how projects get abandoned and it’s a vicious cycle. So if you want to actually complete projects, never lose sight of your main goal. I find the best way to do this is to always schedule your main project into your planner, even if it’s just for an hour or two a day. You’ll never forget about it and it will stay fresh so you don’t lose progress. - N.N.

Wasting Your Talent

I think a lot about what it means to be wasting one’s talent. And this is probably because I felt like I was wasting mine for a while. Side thought they say if you don’t use something you lose it but I‘m not sure if that’s true. At least not always true, Today I helped film a short video for someone and it felt like I was picking up right where I left off. I didn’t miss a beat and it makes me desperately want to make more. I guess I forgot how much fun it is shooting video, or maybe I never forgot and I just couldn’t find anything that inspired me. Well, I am not waiting for inspiration anymore. I can make my own. I started to take photos again and I am gonna start making videos that aren’t for work again. It’s time for more solo projects. - N.N.

Work Being Done

I’ve been doing some work on the website and I’ve been enjoying it. So Far I’ve added my Twitter & Instagram feed and they look okay. Pretty soon I wanna make a more permanent place for them, but that’s to come. I also wanna post more pictures, I’ve been neglecting my hobby/ career choice for a while and it shows. Not that I’m getting worse at taking photos, I am not. It’s just I’m losing the passion I have for it. When I actually go out into the field I still love it, I get the rush of a good shot and I’m always happy with something I shoot. It’s just getting out to shoot is the problem. Thankfully the weather is getting better so maybe that will change my mood. Spring is always a great time to take photos, I know I’ll try to find an event to shoot. I remember the Botanical Gardens Chinese lantern festival was a ton of fun and I still think it’s where I got some of my best photos. If that’s still a thing in 2022 I swear that I am gonna take photos of it. - N.N.

Random Photos and Random Thoughts

I’ve noticed that I’ve been neglecting this section of my website and that needs to end. From now on I am gonna have my Instagram feed on here and try to post new and interesting random thoughts. I am gonna try to post weekly, but we’ll see how that goes. - N.N.