When it comes to achieving your goals I find that patience is your most valuable ally. If you’re in a bad spot in life say you hate your job or you can’t even find one I know how discouraging it can be. Sometimes you feel like giving up and accepting your fate, but you can’t give up. During Covid, I was in a rough spot, good jobs were scarce and the pandemic seemed like it would never end. Now, not even a few years later I found a stable job and it seems like things are finally going back to normal. And I know that’s not the case for everyone times are still tough with hyperinflation, high gas prices, and random Covid spikes. But I think the only thing we can do is remind ourselves that this is all temporary, at least we have to hope it is. If we keep pushing and fighting for a better future not just for ourselves, but for the rest of the world we just make it. We have to hope that everything is just bad for now. I’m sorry for ending on that nothing of a statement, but it’s the hopeful thing I can say for now. Good Luck everyone. - N.N.